The Physical Symptoms of Severe Alcoholism
Within the medical industry experts have categorised the levels of alcoholism, so as to better be able to address them depending on a person’s addiction. In its earliest stages this condition can have very few symptoms, beyond the noticeable mental influences associated with being drunk. With consistent exposure however, the effects of alcohol abuse can soon make themselves known – so much so that many sufferers will be instantly recognisable, even to the untrained eye.
Why does alcohol have long term side effects?
The ethyl alcohol components within beverages can typically be processed by a person’s kidneys and liver – but with excessive exposure, these organs can struggle to rid the body of all toxins present. Over time, the volume of toxicity can begin to build up before eventually entering the blood stream. Once there, the toxins can be transmitted from organ to organ and as natural anti-bodies will be undergoing depletion in the process, the bodies’ natural immunities will begin to struggle.
How can this affect the body?
With consistent consumption, alcohol can take tolls on the kidneys, liver and brain – and as they shrink with a lack of fresh hydration, physical symptoms will begin to surface.
Physical symptoms of alcoholism
One of the first signs of this condition will make itself known in the form of shaking. The flow of blood being pumped around a healthy person’s body is consistent and as such, won’t produce a noticeable symptom. If a person is suffering with alcohol addiction, their heart and other organs will start to function incorrectly – and this can lead to them struggling to send and receive blood.
The result will be noticeable tremors – and these will worsen with repeat exposure. As the heart won’t be able to pump blood as usual, it will attempt to force it through veins and vessels to ensure proper function – and it may begin to beat erratically, leading to shakes.
This isn’t the only symptom however; a more prominent one relates to the discolouration of skin. In most instances, the dermal layers will suffer with a lack of oxygen in the blood and their pigmentation will begin to be affected. Over time these layers can start to turn yellow – or even grey in extreme circumstances, when the brain is also being starved of oxygen.
As a lack of oxygen can affect all parts of the body it’s also not uncommon for alcoholics to suffer with walking, as well as finding it difficult to move their joints (especially fingers and toes), in much the same way as arthritis. If left untreated, these conditions can contribute to a complete shutting down of the body – and this can be fatal.